Credit portal

Role: Lead Product Designer
Organization: Marqeta
Completion Date: 2022

Credit portal v1 aims to simplify creating and launching a credit program from typically 6 months to a matter of minutes through an intuitive and efficient dashboard experience.

Credit is a startup within a startup. I joined the team in 2019, and developed the MVP for our launch with Deserve as a partner. In 2022, the team got creative, and we took the dashboard to the next level with our partnership with FNBO as a v1 of the experience.

  1. Customer research

  2. Pitch

  3. Brainstorm

  4. Hi fi library and testing

  5. Evolution v2

Customer research

Key opportunities

I conducted contextual inquiries with my PM in order to go deep and understand what our customers truly need in this industry to simplify credit program creation.

  1. Design a UI that can scale to 8+ teams collaborating on creating a credit program.

  2. Reduce paperwork for committees through a seamless workflow.

  3. Clear bottlenecks quickly for quick approvals.

  4. Manage brand partner expectations in the credit program.

Contextual inquiry log
Affinity map of findings


Market research use case spreadsheet for Pitch

It was critical that we win our partnership pitch to a big bank called FNBO and grow MQ's impact. I created a series of prototypes to showcase the power of Marqeta's APIs and dashboard experience to FNBO. We won in the end.

We brainstormed beyond the dashboard, and how to position MQ as an innovative player that can make deep impact for FNBO.

Innovative rewards strategy— Marqeta's flexible APIs would empower banks like FNBO to provide curated rewards programs to their users.
Maker checker flow — Credit portal would enable both a "creator" and "approver" role, therby empowering users to send credit programs back and forth, and get peace of mind in the launch of the program.


Primary point of focus

Now that we won the FNBO partnership, we had to adjust our MVP so that these ideas could become a reality for our v1 with this big bank.

  1. Modular approach to credit program creation.

  2. Approver easily reviews and provides feedback on each credit program piece.

  3. Empower brand contributor to activate the credit program and have the final say.

Product and design brainstorm to align on execution
Personas definition from team brainstorm


Site map and user flows example

I designed a site map and mapped out user flows for each persona. The goal was to strategically build upon the MVP and hit our users needs.

Blocking — I used these blocking prototypes as a discussion point with FNBO. This launched us into cyclical process of tweaking the above site map and aligning on the partnership from both a technical and experience perspective.

Rapid prototype design library

Figma templates for key screens to accelerate prototype creation

As the design lead, I assigned a persona and flow out to each credit designer once the flow was nailed. From there, we built key screens against each flow as components so we could integrate updates from FNBO in agile.

Usability testing

Usability testing as a way to glean learnings from launch

We went through three rounds of usability testing directly with FNBO users and had their executive team as well as MQ's listening to the sessions as well. We integrated feedback after every session.

Credit portal
—Big bank model

Launch credit programs within minutes Easy collaboration and modular design

Prototype walkthrough

We integrated this discussion into our hi fidelity patterns. I decided to work in a library, so that we could easily permeate updates and switch from low fi to hi fi through a few simple updates.

Credit program creator flow
Credit program approver flow
Credit program brand contributor flow

Evolution v2

The Credit team has continued to evolve the v1 patterns into a v2, using the base logic and strategy I defined for the team.