
Role: Director of Design
Organization: Gainbridge

I manage a team of two designers and have overseen several product launches and redesigns. I also manage the design system.

Gainbridge B2B website:
Breaking barriers

Role: Lead Designer (IC)
Organization: Gainbridge
Completion Date: 2023

A project I am personally proud of is the website for the company’s new B2B line of business. Gainbridge sought to earn the credibility and trust of it’s B2B clients through this website and to showcase how they are “breaking barriers” in the annuities space by providing retirement products at scale.

First, we ran a competitve audit of other fintechs

I led the development of “breaking barriers”: a visual play on the innovative new launch

Success metric

We obtain 2 obtained two new fintech clients and grew trust in the industry. Most importantly, it established product design as a function through it’s repoire in the company.